Be Happy and Positive

All the Time

  For people to have positive minds, it is impossible to achieve it within their own minds. Because people have self-centered and biased minds, they have the minds of envy, jealousy, criticism, good, bad, existence, and nonexistence. Such things exist in their minds because their own minds exist.

  When people get rid of their minds and become the true mind, then they will have a positive mind, which is an accepting mind. When people have a positive mind, they can always live a positive life. Since they are positive, the work that they do is positive, and so things in their lives will work out seamlessly.

  For those who are negative, nothing suits their minds. Thus, what they do in the world is also not positive, and they cannot take action. This is why they cannot achieve.

  If a person wants to live a positive life, one should change one’s negative mind to the positive mind. The method to change the mind is to throw away the negative mind.

  To discard negative minds that are within you, meditation is needed. You can practice the method with a customized consultation.

How to Meditate?

1. Recall

Recall the remembered thoughts (pictures). The pictures are your mind.

2. Reflect

Through self-reflection, you will get to know yourself from a greater perspective: the universe.

3. Release

Throw away the picture with a guided visualization. Train your brain to know that the illusion is not real and to throw it away from a perspective greater than you: the universe.

I had a more positive and accepting mind!

“I feel really blessed to have found this mediation practice. Over time with practicing this method I’ve come to have more self awareness as I understand my mind better. Not only do I have a calmer and more relaxed mind but I’ve developed a much higher level of positivity. In addition I feel I am more able to connect with others more easily and see things from other person’s perspective without always trying to see how it might impact me. I feel that I’ve developed a more open and accepting mind.”

-Stephen Gilmore

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