How do I track my self improvement every day?

Meditation is my greatest tool for sustaining my next action rather than giving up on my thoughts in the middle. The more I discard, the easier it is to act. I’m discarding anxieties about starting social media when I meditate. As I discarded, anxiety and doubts faded away. Now I started to set a plan for my blog instead of worrying without taking action.

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How do I survive in the corporate world?

Meditation is helping me accept my managers and co-workers. I used to think other people were the cause of my unhappiness. I realized others were not the problem and myself was the problem. Through meditation, I am looking at myself who judges co-workers, managers, clients and I am letting go of these thoughts I created. This has allowed me to accept where I am and find happiness inside me.

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How not to lose hope?

I learnt through meditation that the habits we inherit from our ancestors hold a lot of minds that give rise to delusional thoughts. I found out the cause of my bipolar. It's coming from my habits and the karma I made while living. Once the habits are eliminated there is great peace inside.

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